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New adventures {kindergarten}

Well, today was the day! 

Kindergarten! (Cue the tears)

And it went better than I ever expected! Two happy girls scarfed down some breakfast, and eagerly asked, "is it time yet??"



We got some cooperative pictures in the mean time and by 7:15 were headed out the door. Since we live almost across the street from the school, we are too close to bus (to their disappointment) and it made for a nice walk.

{such big girls!}

{always catch them holding hands}

By 7:25 we were headed to their classrooms where I opted for a quick goodbye because I knew the longer I drew out the process the more likely I was to cry. And I did afterward- all the way down the hall and out of the school. They were so confident and excited, smiling big and happy to find their seats and get on with things.

{Sadie and her teacher, Mrs. Howe)

The house was eerily quiet once Doug went to work but I got so much done and it helped that some of my friends, who also had kids off to kindergarten, had lunch planned together so that was a great distraction!

By 2:30 Doug and I were off to pick them up and seeing them bust out of the school with big grins and happy stories was the best part! We heard all about lunch in the cafeteria, recess, P.E., and about some new friends. We celebrated with some ice cream at Amy's.

My mama heart is happy. I knew things would go well but until you actually see it happen it's hard to know for sure. So proud of them for being so brave in this new adventure, and for doing it apart after all these years of being together. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! Hopefully more smiles, and eagerness to explore. I've already been told I don't need to walk them to their class so I will take that as a step in the right direction!

Cheers to your kiddos heading off to school and new adventures ❤️

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