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Because I like to give things away.... {closed}

In honor of my new blog and a new way to connect with you beautiful people, I feel like I want to do a GIVEAWAY to get it started right!

Who's with me?!

I'm giving away a brand new, Body Beast strength training program. My FAVORITE program, the program that helped me stop feeling soft and start feeling strong! And if you're thinking, "nooooo, weight training will make me look like a man!"

Stop- right there. Deep breath.... 

It won't- I promise. Don't let Sagi (the Body Beast trainer) intimidate you. He's really quite a teddy bear, and women by nature do NOT have the testosterone to bulk up. It's just not in us! But what it will do is allow you to increase your metabolism-- which means you burn more calories at rest, and more muscle means more fat burning, means tighter, strong body. 

YES, please!

With that program I will be tossing in a Shakeology shaker cup with 2 chocolate Shakeology packets and 1 greenberry Shakeology packet. Shakeology is an amazing companion to this workout-- it's loaded with protein, and natural super foods to help your metabolism, give you energy, improve your digestion, clear up your skin, and generally make you feel ah-mazing!

As well as 2 packets of my favorite pre-workout supplement, Energy & Endurance {aka: mommy crack- this stuff is all natural but gets you MOVING!} No caffeine or chemical stimulants, I promise. I am NOT about that. 

AND 2 of the yummy P90X Chocolate Fudge protein bars. I like to keep things like this stashed in my purse so when I can't exactly get to a healthy snack, I have something loaded with protein to tie me over. Let's be honest-- getting "hangry" is no fun. 

So how can you win all of these goodies??

Here are the details! Simply utilize the Rafflecopter  giveaway options below! My giveaway opens tonight at 8pm CDT and closes Friday at 8pm CDT. The more options you complete, the more entries you receive. Invite your friends, and let's make this big! 

Thanks for all your love and support! <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sarah you are an inspiration to me. I know with the right workout and a push in the right direction I too can be successful someday hopefully soon.

    1. Aww, that's so sweet of you to say Amanda!! I'd love to help you when the time is right-- I KNOW you can find the success you want! <3 Thanks for checking out the blog!

  2. Congrats on the new blog! I hope I win!! I really struggle with my sweet tooth and a lack of energy... I'm dying to try the shakeology drinks

    1. Thank you!! I will cross my fingers for you! :) Shakeology has definitely helped with my sweet tooth and energy-- and I was pretty skeptical at first!

  3. Yay I would love to win this. I have been wanting to purchase body beast and piyo for a while now, but i just struggle with if I would actually do them at home.

    1. It's not always easy to navigate around the little people, but for us it's worked out better financially and time-wise from home! Both of those programs are awesome!!

  4. I struggle with emotional eating! I hate it! But I'm excited for this blog! Thanks for all the motivation!

    1. Me tooo Eileen! It's hard, for sure! I will do a post about ways to cope with that!

  5. My biggest challenge is eating when I'm bored.

    1. That gets me too! Sometimes it's such a habit while watching a movie, or unwinding at night that before I realize it I am snacking away on something I am not even hungry for!

  6. My biggest challenge is TIME MANAGEMENT!

    1. Scheduling your workout is huge! Sometimes I have to actually write down "workout" otherwise it doesn't happen!

  7. My biggest challenge is working out earlier in the day with my kids running around. Just received my Brazil Butt Lift and just placed an order for shakeology!

    1. Yes, kiddos can make it extra challenging! I have found that once they get used to seeing you do it, they either want to join in or just know to let you have your time! So excited you got some shakeology, I will send you some more recipes!

  8. My biggest challenge is feeling like I have the time to work out or make an excuse as to why I am not going to work out that day.

    1. Yeah the time is a struggle for a lot of us! That's why I love the shorter programs I can do at home because then it's even less time start to finish, and I can do it at a time when my kids are distracted (napping would be better!) Miss you girl!
