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Baby Mama's Welcome!

My twins may be five now, but I sure remember those first few weeks and months after they were born. It was an.... adventure, to say the least! After nine months of your body being the perfect shelter for that little muffin, they are born and you are suddenly in a completely different realm of life. Motherhood! So many new experiences, and adjustments. Functioning on minimal to no sleep, figuring out breastfeeding, pumping, getting baby to sleep, figuring out how to juggle the household chores while caring for the new baby, maintaining a connection and time with your partner, work, finding time to take care of YOU and your new body? It's A LOT!

Sometimes it can feel very isolating, especially if you're a mom who has gone from working, to staying home with your baby. Suddenly it's just YOU and this perfect, precious little person who requires your constant attention. It's easy to feel unsure and think to yourself, "who am I anymore?" I know I did- learning to accept my new role as a mother, my new, different body, and all that came with it was an adjustment, and one that close friends who could relate really helped me get through.

Close friends and communities of other new mom's can be an LIFESAVER! You experience all these things that your partner can't quite understand, but only other mothers do. When it comes to getting fit after baby, while juggling all the other new adventures of motherhood, it can be a lot. Which is why my team and I have created an all knew private group on Facebook called the, Baby Mama Fitness Community. Join us for postpartum support and encouragement when it comes to working out, eating right while nursing, juggling motherhood and your own needs, and general friendship and connection.

I waited almost FIVE years to work on getting my body back after baby, and so much of that was because I didn't have the support, or encouragement I needed to stay on track, or feel like people truly understood the struggle of balancing motherhood with my own self care. You don't have to wait that long! If you want a place to fit in with other moms who know, the struggle is real, join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BabyMamaFitnessCommunity/


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this group! I already have a few people interested :-) It is NEVER too late to start your healthy lifestyle.
