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Make your workouts FUN!

I hear a lot of excuses about why people don't workout, and one of the biggest ones is "it's not fun!" I get it! Some days it's not fun for me either. I find myself thinking up excuses why I can skip. But the fact is, I can MAKE IT FUN! 

Here's a few ways you can make working out more enjoyable-

1. Listen to fun music- make a playlist of songs that get you pumped up or feel happy! The time passes quick too when you're singing along! 

2. Reward yourself with a cute new workout top or pants when you hit goals. Having something cute to wear makes you feel better about yourself and excited to get to wear it for your workout.

3. Do a workout that clicks with you! Everyone has a certain kind of exercise they enjoy more than others. For me, I enjoy more strength based programs compared to cardio based programs so those are more enjoyable and I don't find myself looking at the clock pleading for it to be done.

4. Get a workout buddy! Either someone who can come workout WITH you, or someone you can connect with online who can keep you excited. You know that's what I do right?? Shameless plug-- I can be that person! 

5. Reward yourself with a tasty post-workout snack. Some of my favorites are my Shakeology, a rice cake with almond butter and bananas on it, or a Quest Bar! These yummy things are my little treat for pushing play, and good for refueling! 


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