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About Me

I'm an Oregonian transplant living life in Austin, Texas! I've been married for almost 8 years to my husband and we have identical twin girls who are 5 years old! I currently work from home as a Beachbody Fitness Coach, and I love the opportunity it has provided me to get healthy, help others do the same, build some amazing relationships and earn an income for my family by simply sharing something I love.

I discovered my love for health and fitness by happenstance last November. I was really needing to making a change after years of emotional eating, and putting myself on the back burner. I was unhappy in my skin, but I didn't know where to begin. A sweet friend from high school helped me clean up my nutrition in a free clean eating group on Facebook, and told me about some great workout programs I could do at home. I started cleaning up my nutrition, pushing play for 30 minutes a day, and within a month I really started to notice and feel serious changes. I knew that if I could do it as a mom with twins at home, anyone could do this!

Since I started eating clean foods, drinking my daily Shakeology, and working out at homes to programs, Turbo Fire, Body Beast and most recently PiYo, I've lost 14lbs and over 15 inches on my midsection, thighs, hips, and arms. Besides feeling better in my clothes, I feel better INSIDE, and that confidence means so much when it comes to my energy with my kids! We all have a starting point, and this was mine! I continue to want to live a healthy lifestyle and share what helped me, with the many others I know who are looking to make the same change in their life, but don't know where to begin.

Thanks for sharing in my journey, and following along with all the other fun things I find in life that make it special, happy and worth sharing!