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They say 21 Days {makes a habit}

What can you do in 21 days? They say that's how long it takes to break a habit, or start a new one. OR 21 days is how long it can take you to lose 5-15 lbs doing one of my favorite programs, the 21 Day Fix!

This program came out in February and it has changed some serious lives! The program lasts for 21 days, and during that time you follow a daily workout calendar and complete one of the the seven daily 30 minute workouts. The workouts include, Upper Body Fix, Lower Body Fix, Total Body Fix, Total Cardio Fix, Yoga Fix, Pilates Fix, and Dirty 30. During each workout you cycle through different moves for 60 seconds, using only a set of hand weights, or a resistance band. There's so much variety in the workouts that you don't get burnt out, or lose interest. And because each day is a different workout, you are also giving your muscles a chance to recover, which means you are feeling completely miserable every day.

And unlike most home workout programs that focus only on the workouts, the 21 Day Fix really focuses on your nutrition, and one of most people's biggest struggles- Portion Control! How it does this is by providing color coded food containers that correspond to different kinds of foods-

green- vegetables
purple- fruits
red- protein
yellow- carbs/grains
blue- healthy fats
orange- seeds & dressings
teaspoons- oils

In your eating guide it helps you calculate how many of each container you should be eating each day, and then the flexibility is YOURS to decide which of the approved foods you want to put in your containers, and when you want to eat them. What was once a chicken stir fry can now translate into, 1  green container, 1 red container, 1 yellow container. So visual- so easy to follow. If it fits in the container, that's the correct portion, and it's yours to eat. When all your containers from one category are used up for the day, you know you can't have any more of that food, and you arrange your meals to include the other containers.

What's awesome about this program is that it teaches you a way of eating that can carry on long after you've finished your 21 days. I find myself using my containers to measure out my trouble foods, like pasta and rice, because for me what I THINK is a good amount of that to have is often too much. It's helped me revamp my nutrition, get more fruits and protein, which I was not eating enough of before, and backing off of the yellow containers, which I tend to eat too much of. I leave a meal feeling satisfied, but not overly full, bloated, or sick like I used to.

One thing people often ask me is how they will last 21 days with no sweets! Well, the good news in the program is you can replace a yellow container with a 21 Day Fix approved treat, or even some wine! There's also a restaurant guide in the back of the booklet so if you are out to eat, you know what sort of items you can order that will still fit into your program! THIS kind of flexibility is what makes this program more than a 1 time workout- but rather a whole lifestyle change with the flexibility we all need to stay on track.

The 21 Day Fix gets RESULTS! Most who participate lose an average of 5-15lbs during one round of the program, and some go on to complete a second or third round depending on their goals to further their results.

Check out my very own coach Rachel! She lost 9 pounds and 10 inches! Her baby boy just turned 1, and even with him at her feet she's been able to knock this out of the park!

And look at the beautiful Jessica, who just had a baby in April! She lost 6.7 pounds and 11 inches during her 21 days on the Fix and also using Shakeology as a part of her nutrition! Her photos from April were taken 1 week post-paprtum, August 11 at the start of her 21 Day Fix, and September 1st at the end of her program.
And here are my results from one round of the 21 Day Fix- I lost 4 pounds and 6.75 inches mainly from my midsection and thighs.

I love how this program can really work for anyone. Whether you are working full time, or stay home as a stay at home mom, you can find 30 minutes to incorporate the daily workouts, and with a little meal planning, the eating plan can totally revolutionize your eating.

For the month of September, you can get the 21 Day Fix with Shakeology for an amazing price of $140- that's only $10 with the purchase of Shakeology. With your challenge pack you will get the full workout program which includes seven 30 minute workouts, workout calendar, eating plan with 7 color coded food containers, a Shakeology shaker cup for use of your liquids and wine, and your first full month of Shakeology- which you can use as a meal replacement, or as a snack! You also get ME as your coach and support system as well as all the challenge groups I offer on Facebook and a bonus workout- Plyo Fix!

You can order your challenge pack by contacting me or directly from my site- http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCP21D160?referringRepId=322493

I'd love to help you make the next 21 days COUNT, and for the month of September, this program can be what helps you get there! I think I will be restarting it soon- who want's to join me??



What are these Challenge Groups I am always inviting you to?

I wanted to make a little video and talk about what a challenge group is! You see me talk about them, and invite you to them, but it can be easy to think, "what is she talking about?" so I made this video to break it down

My next challenge group start September 8- you can pick any Beachbody fitness program in the catalog, and you get ME as your coach forever to cheer you on, support you and help you find results along the way! I hope you'll join us! Feel free to send me an email at sarahmayofitness@gmail.com with questions on how to get started, or which program might be a good fit for you! I am always here to help!



New adventures {kindergarten}

Well, today was the day! 

Kindergarten! (Cue the tears)

And it went better than I ever expected! Two happy girls scarfed down some breakfast, and eagerly asked, "is it time yet??"



We got some cooperative pictures in the mean time and by 7:15 were headed out the door. Since we live almost across the street from the school, we are too close to bus (to their disappointment) and it made for a nice walk.

{such big girls!}

{always catch them holding hands}

By 7:25 we were headed to their classrooms where I opted for a quick goodbye because I knew the longer I drew out the process the more likely I was to cry. And I did afterward- all the way down the hall and out of the school. They were so confident and excited, smiling big and happy to find their seats and get on with things.

{Sadie and her teacher, Mrs. Howe)

The house was eerily quiet once Doug went to work but I got so much done and it helped that some of my friends, who also had kids off to kindergarten, had lunch planned together so that was a great distraction!

By 2:30 Doug and I were off to pick them up and seeing them bust out of the school with big grins and happy stories was the best part! We heard all about lunch in the cafeteria, recess, P.E., and about some new friends. We celebrated with some ice cream at Amy's.

My mama heart is happy. I knew things would go well but until you actually see it happen it's hard to know for sure. So proud of them for being so brave in this new adventure, and for doing it apart after all these years of being together. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! Hopefully more smiles, and eagerness to explore. I've already been told I don't need to walk them to their class so I will take that as a step in the right direction!

Cheers to your kiddos heading off to school and new adventures ❤️


And the winner is...

Thank you so much to all those who entered the Body Beast Giveaway!!

I am happy to announce the winner is, Heather Fruhling!!

Congrats girl! I will get your goodies off to you on Monday, and to anyone of you who entered, and is interested in trying Shakeology, or any of the other items shown, let me know and I will see if I can get some sample packs prepared for you!

Happy Friday!



All sorts of {transitions}

I've been a stay at home mom with my twins since they were born. When they were babies our days revolved around their naps and feedings. When preschool rolled around, we opted for me to do pre-school activities with them at home and join a playgroup. It's just been me and them for the last 5 years.

Well, one week from today I will trade lazy mornings, Curious George, flexible schedules, and playgroups for  KINDERGARTEN.

It's a strange feeling. I've known for years this day was coming, but it's imminent arrival is not getting any easier.

I find myself just CLINGING to the ordinary things I took for granted so much before. Waking up whenever we want--- followed by leisurely breakfasts, cartoons, and cuddles on the couch {in our jammies.} Getting to eat lunch with them and listening to them laugh and giggle about all the silly things kids think up while playing with their food. Listening to their little voices play and pretend. Spontaneous lunch outings, trips to Target with leisurely strolls down the toy aisle to check out the latest and greatest. Afternoon playdates with friends... dinners, quiet evenings with a favorite cartoon before bed, and the constant question, "mommy, what are we going to do tomorrow??" Because every day was ours to do with it what we wanted.

{coloring is a favorite, constant activity}

It's not that we can't do any of those things once they are in school. We can. But it will be different. Our breakfasts together will be timely, followed by finding shoes, and backpacks--- making sure to get out the door in time. Their school time will be my time to get my business in. After school there may be homework to do (hopefully not in kindergarten), maybe a playdate but hopefully a lot of quality time together before dinner, baths, and bedtime hit again. A new transition, that's for sure!

{cuddles galore-- can I just freeze time?}

It's been such a blessing to be home with them each day the last 5 years. I haven't missed a beat, and although sometimes the days go sloooowwwww, the years have gone fast! I know school will be so amazing for them, and a natural part of growing up, but my mama heart is aching a little bit with the realization that once they go to school, our little world as I have known it for the last 5 years will be very different. Full of new firsts, excitements, field trips, friends, new skills learned, newfound independence, but also possibly hurt, and disappointment that I won't be able to protect them from any longer. THAT will be harder for mama then for them, I am sure.

And then there's this chair....

The one we got before the girls' were born. That rocked them and calmed them. That I spent MANY hours all through the night in. It's been moved to quite a few homes since then, and now we aren't quite sure what to do with it. We don't really use it, as the girls are too big to fit in it with us. It's got some stains, and pen on it. It's just kind of here. But yet I can't really bring myself to let it go. Because if I let it go, then I officially don't have babies anymore. It's the last remnant of that part of our lives. But like my two little monkeys heading off to school and leaving the nest a little bit, it may be good to pass this on to a new mama just bringing her baby into the nest. Just another transition I know I need to make but can't seem to.

Oh, and did you see that Daniel Tiger on PBS has a baby sister tiger now? And I totally cried! Even a kids show is focusing on big transitions. It's a sign I need to also-- but it's hard. For you veteran mama's out there who have already gone through this, what's your advice?

Next week expect a lot of pictures.... and probably another sappy post <3



Because I like to give things away.... {closed}

In honor of my new blog and a new way to connect with you beautiful people, I feel like I want to do a GIVEAWAY to get it started right!

Who's with me?!

I'm giving away a brand new, Body Beast strength training program. My FAVORITE program, the program that helped me stop feeling soft and start feeling strong! And if you're thinking, "nooooo, weight training will make me look like a man!"

Stop- right there. Deep breath.... 

It won't- I promise. Don't let Sagi (the Body Beast trainer) intimidate you. He's really quite a teddy bear, and women by nature do NOT have the testosterone to bulk up. It's just not in us! But what it will do is allow you to increase your metabolism-- which means you burn more calories at rest, and more muscle means more fat burning, means tighter, strong body. 

YES, please!

With that program I will be tossing in a Shakeology shaker cup with 2 chocolate Shakeology packets and 1 greenberry Shakeology packet. Shakeology is an amazing companion to this workout-- it's loaded with protein, and natural super foods to help your metabolism, give you energy, improve your digestion, clear up your skin, and generally make you feel ah-mazing!

As well as 2 packets of my favorite pre-workout supplement, Energy & Endurance {aka: mommy crack- this stuff is all natural but gets you MOVING!} No caffeine or chemical stimulants, I promise. I am NOT about that. 

AND 2 of the yummy P90X Chocolate Fudge protein bars. I like to keep things like this stashed in my purse so when I can't exactly get to a healthy snack, I have something loaded with protein to tie me over. Let's be honest-- getting "hangry" is no fun. 

So how can you win all of these goodies??

Here are the details! Simply utilize the Rafflecopter  giveaway options below! My giveaway opens tonight at 8pm CDT and closes Friday at 8pm CDT. The more options you complete, the more entries you receive. Invite your friends, and let's make this big! 

Thanks for all your love and support! <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep your Summer body long into the Fall...

Just because Summer is coming to a close, doesn't mean you should abandon your bikini body. It's also a great time to get started undoing all those umbrella drinks, cookouts, and ice cream cones. If you were anything like me, summer trips, birthdays, holidays and fun got you a little off track.

Join me and others in our PRIVATE September fitness challenge- taking place on Facebook in our Forward Motion Fitness Community. We provide you a private group, accountability, support, tip and suggestions to keep you going, and pushing toward those goals! There IS a strength in numbers, and that's one thing that makes these groups so successful- having people cheer you on and pick you up when you fall.

Pick ANY Beachbody program, and invite your friends for a fun referral gift! Spots will fill up quick, so secure yours NOW and let's get moving TOGETHER!



Make your workouts FUN!

I hear a lot of excuses about why people don't workout, and one of the biggest ones is "it's not fun!" I get it! Some days it's not fun for me either. I find myself thinking up excuses why I can skip. But the fact is, I can MAKE IT FUN! 

Here's a few ways you can make working out more enjoyable-

1. Listen to fun music- make a playlist of songs that get you pumped up or feel happy! The time passes quick too when you're singing along! 

2. Reward yourself with a cute new workout top or pants when you hit goals. Having something cute to wear makes you feel better about yourself and excited to get to wear it for your workout.

3. Do a workout that clicks with you! Everyone has a certain kind of exercise they enjoy more than others. For me, I enjoy more strength based programs compared to cardio based programs so those are more enjoyable and I don't find myself looking at the clock pleading for it to be done.

4. Get a workout buddy! Either someone who can come workout WITH you, or someone you can connect with online who can keep you excited. You know that's what I do right?? Shameless plug-- I can be that person! 

5. Reward yourself with a tasty post-workout snack. Some of my favorites are my Shakeology, a rice cake with almond butter and bananas on it, or a Quest Bar! These yummy things are my little treat for pushing play, and good for refueling! 



Top 5 Favorite Shakeology Recipes

I drink my Shakeology every day, and one of the many things I love about it, is that I can make different recipes and mix it up!! The constant flexibility and variety keeps me from getting bored, and makes getting my daily dose of dense nutrition THAT much more fun {and tasty!}

Here are my top 5 favorite Shakeology recipes:

1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
2 tb PB2 (powdered Peanut Butter)
4 oz Almond milk
4 oz water
lots of ice

Blend in a blender until creamy and smooth- tastes like a Reeses cup!

2. Salted Caramel Chocolate

1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp Caramel extract
dash of Sea Salt
4 oz Almond milk
4 oz water
lots of ice

Blend in a blender until creamy and smooth- drizzle with some caramel and a dash of sea salt for added garnish!

3. Birthday Cake

1 Scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 tsp Butter extract
1 tb cheesecake pudding mix
4 oz Almond milk
4 oz Water
lots of ice

Blend in a blender until creamy and smooth, add some fun sprinkles for garnish!

4. Old Fashioned Chocolate Malt

1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
3 tb malted milk
1 tb PB2
4 oz Almond milk
4 oz water
lots of ice

Blend in a blender until creamy and smooth!

5. Greenberry Fruit Fusion

1 Scoop Greenberry Shakeology
4-5 strawberries
1/2 banana
4-5 small mango chunks
4 oz OJ
4 oz Water

Blend in a blender until creamy and smooth!



Baby Mama's Welcome!

My twins may be five now, but I sure remember those first few weeks and months after they were born. It was an.... adventure, to say the least! After nine months of your body being the perfect shelter for that little muffin, they are born and you are suddenly in a completely different realm of life. Motherhood! So many new experiences, and adjustments. Functioning on minimal to no sleep, figuring out breastfeeding, pumping, getting baby to sleep, figuring out how to juggle the household chores while caring for the new baby, maintaining a connection and time with your partner, work, finding time to take care of YOU and your new body? It's A LOT!

Sometimes it can feel very isolating, especially if you're a mom who has gone from working, to staying home with your baby. Suddenly it's just YOU and this perfect, precious little person who requires your constant attention. It's easy to feel unsure and think to yourself, "who am I anymore?" I know I did- learning to accept my new role as a mother, my new, different body, and all that came with it was an adjustment, and one that close friends who could relate really helped me get through.

Close friends and communities of other new mom's can be an LIFESAVER! You experience all these things that your partner can't quite understand, but only other mothers do. When it comes to getting fit after baby, while juggling all the other new adventures of motherhood, it can be a lot. Which is why my team and I have created an all knew private group on Facebook called the, Baby Mama Fitness Community. Join us for postpartum support and encouragement when it comes to working out, eating right while nursing, juggling motherhood and your own needs, and general friendship and connection.

I waited almost FIVE years to work on getting my body back after baby, and so much of that was because I didn't have the support, or encouragement I needed to stay on track, or feel like people truly understood the struggle of balancing motherhood with my own self care. You don't have to wait that long! If you want a place to fit in with other moms who know, the struggle is real, join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BabyMamaFitnessCommunity/
