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Insanity Max 30 Results!

60 days ago I was scared to bits to start Insanity Max 30! I am a self proclaimed "no cardio" girl- give me ALL the weights. This program is all bootcamp based moves and no weights. And it's called INSANITY- I'd have to be insane to put myself through that! Those were my thoughts, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I committed to do it, and do my best!

I chose to start it before Christmas which could have been a disaster, considering all the yummy holiday goodies, and change in routine. It could have totally derailed me, but instead I let it push me to stay on track and not give myself the chance to completely give up during the holidays like I used to.

I started with the mindset that I was going to try my best, and that if I needed to modify, that was OK, because I was still doing something. Don't get me wrong, there were many days I had to modify- a lot! My knees get aggravated easily so whenever I could tell I was going to hurt, I switched over to follow the modifier and still got a great workout from it! Low impact doesn't have to mean EASY! Especially with Shaun T!

How does it work? The program is designed for you to MAX OUT- in other words, hit a point in the workout where you just can't go on; need to stop for a drink, catch your breath, or as Shaun T says, "find your life." Once you Max Out you record your time, get yourself together, and jump back in. Each week you strive to beat your previous max out time for that workout- the only person you are competing with is yourself.  So many workouts push you to "keep going" which is good... but you sometimes put in half the effort in order to keep going, whereas in Max 30, he wants you to go as hard as you can, max out, and keep pushing to do better next time. Seeing the cast members max out reminds you that it's OK to get tired, you SHOULD get tired, and you should feel beat, but that means your pushing yourself!

How long is the program? It's structured in two phases- each of which last 30 days. The total length is 60 days, and you have a workout 5 days a week, with an optional active rest day on Saturday.

How is the eating plan? It's awesome! It centers on the same color coded container system that the 21 Day Fix does- spells out just what you should eat, and if you're still hungry, what order to add different foods so you are still maximizing your results. I never felt hungry or confused, and it even came with a restaurant guide so if I was eating out I knew what the smartest options were to order from popular restaurants. Shakeology counts in this program as a protein, and was the perfect post-workout pick me up!

Here is my day one photo! I went into this program with the goal to tighten up, build muscle, and gain strength! Not wanting to lose much, if any weight.

Here are my before and afters!

I'm happy to say I GAINED 1.2lbs- which is perfect because I didn't want to lose. I lost 1.5" from my waist, 1" from my hips, 1" combined from my thighs, GAINED .25" on my calves, and lost 1.5" from my belly button area- which has always been my trouble spot.

Who would I recommend this program to? ANYONE! Really- I have had all different kinds of fitness levels, ages and backgrounds do this program and have great results! With the modifier you don't HAVE to go extreme with it, and can pull back the intensity level to your body while still getting great results. The workouts are short- only 30 minutes a day, and in 60 days you will be so impressed with where you have taken yourself both physically and mentally.

If you're ready to get insane results from home with this program, contact me at sarahmayofitness@gmail.com and I would love to chat with you more about this great program and how to get you into my next challenge group for support and accountability!


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