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So what exactly is a Team Beachbody coach??

Have you ever thought about becoming a Team Beachbody coach- even for a split second? Does it sorta kinda make you excited, give you butterflies but in the same breathe cause you a little panic and fear because you just don't know what to expect?  Are you a motivated person but you are afraid to take that leap of faith? What if I fail? What if I stink at this?  How do I find customers?  How do I make a sale?  I don't want to sell to my friends and family?  I don't know anything about social media?  I'm not a fitness professional?  I am NOT an example of good health and fitness- I am still on my journey! And, what exactly does COACH mean?? I am no expert, so how am I supposed to "coach" anyone else?!

Do any of these things sound like the thoughts that keep running through your mind?  It's like you are on a seesaw and you swing from excited to nervous back to excited over and over again but you can't seem to take that leap of faith! I get it- I was scared too!

Truth be told, we ALL felt like that! It's not that you are afraid of failure it's that you are afraid of change.  Change is scary, new and leaves you intimidated! It's the unpredictability that gets you ever time!  So, I truly want to calm some of your fears, answer your questions and help you to make an educated decision about becoming a coach!  

So to help with that, I have some things coming up to answer your questions! This Wednesday, 2/18 at 6:30 PST/8:30 CST I will be hosting a call all about what coaching is, with one of my very first coaches and leaders on my team!

During this call I will give you some background as to how I become a successful coach. What did I do in my first month and first 6 months to create successful habits, and how can you do it too!  I'm no different than you, I don't have any secret strategies, but what I do have is consistent habits that have led me to become a strong leader, and help others succeed.  You can learn any skill you need to in order to be successful with this, and if you are teachable and motivated then you will succeed! I have systems and trainings in place that will show you exactly what I do, and teach you how to replicate it in your own business.

In the call, I am also going to walk you through the process of what a coach does, how to sign up, what are your investment options, how to make money, and how you can do this even being a huge introvert with a small market like me! Before coaching I was a stay at home mom with very few friends, and a shy personality! I didn't come from a big network or pool of people, but what I did do was make a point to be public about my journey and invite others to do it with me. 

Secondly, if you decide that coaching is right for you the next step is to sign up and reserve your spot in my March 2 New Coach Training Group. 

This is your source of training and education, where I will help you learn the basic tools and systems that I use to run my business.   
I am going to show you what I did when I first started as a coach, how I reached success in my first few months, how to successfully invite people to join you in a challenge or as coaches, and start a challenge group without you having to re-invent the wheel. This is all a system of duplication and we work as a team!

Your goal is to invite 3-5 people to join our challenge group that WE will run TOGETHER so you don't have to do it alone!  They will be your customers in the group, you will get the commission, you will follow up and check in with your customers but I will run the posts each day so you can learn from me and in the coming months do your own groups. What I do in my groups is very simple- but it comes down to showing up, being consistent, and personally supporting your customers so they get the best experience possible.  

You will have access to all of my resources, documents, and templates.  I believe so much in this being successful for you, so I value getting you started right!  While I cannot MAKE you successful, just as in your fitness journey, you can have a stellar meal plan and workout but if you don't follow the plan you won't get the results!  You have to do the work!  Same thing with our business-  it's fun, but it takes dedicated action each day to bring about results.  I am not perfect, but I have grown my business to be a Premier team ranked within the top 350 teams in Beachbody only a year into coaching. I was a depressed, lonely, shy mom with a need to help my family financially- so I took this opportunity and ran with it! I wasn't about to go halfway on something that had the potential to help us live a life free of financial stress, or worry about where the money was to buy groceries. I've connected with other moms in similar situations and helped them to build strong businesses capable of the same success, and I am ready to help more ladies like me do the exact same thing- paying it forward it what this is about!!

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  If it does, please complete the application below, and I will be in touch with you to discuss getting started on my team!


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It's time for a giveaway!! Enter HERE! ---GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED!---

I wanted to do something fun, so what's more fun that giving away some stuff?!

Just for being YOU, and following this blog (and a few other steps) you can enter to win some goodies! I'm giving you the chance to win a free Shakeology bottle, AND your choice of any tank from FITspiration Couture (www.fitspirationcouture.com) or an outfit from Fabletics (www.fabletics.com).

It's easy to enter, and all the deets are below! The more entries you get, the greater your chances of winning! And I've given you the chance to get more entries for sharing this giveaway, my blog and my Facebook page with your friends! Thanks for helping me spread the word about what I do by sharing this with your friends! *no coaches please!

Thanks for following me, for all your love and support! And may the odds be ever in your favor ;)

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Insanity Max 30 Results!

60 days ago I was scared to bits to start Insanity Max 30! I am a self proclaimed "no cardio" girl- give me ALL the weights. This program is all bootcamp based moves and no weights. And it's called INSANITY- I'd have to be insane to put myself through that! Those were my thoughts, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I committed to do it, and do my best!

I chose to start it before Christmas which could have been a disaster, considering all the yummy holiday goodies, and change in routine. It could have totally derailed me, but instead I let it push me to stay on track and not give myself the chance to completely give up during the holidays like I used to.

I started with the mindset that I was going to try my best, and that if I needed to modify, that was OK, because I was still doing something. Don't get me wrong, there were many days I had to modify- a lot! My knees get aggravated easily so whenever I could tell I was going to hurt, I switched over to follow the modifier and still got a great workout from it! Low impact doesn't have to mean EASY! Especially with Shaun T!

How does it work? The program is designed for you to MAX OUT- in other words, hit a point in the workout where you just can't go on; need to stop for a drink, catch your breath, or as Shaun T says, "find your life." Once you Max Out you record your time, get yourself together, and jump back in. Each week you strive to beat your previous max out time for that workout- the only person you are competing with is yourself.  So many workouts push you to "keep going" which is good... but you sometimes put in half the effort in order to keep going, whereas in Max 30, he wants you to go as hard as you can, max out, and keep pushing to do better next time. Seeing the cast members max out reminds you that it's OK to get tired, you SHOULD get tired, and you should feel beat, but that means your pushing yourself!

How long is the program? It's structured in two phases- each of which last 30 days. The total length is 60 days, and you have a workout 5 days a week, with an optional active rest day on Saturday.

How is the eating plan? It's awesome! It centers on the same color coded container system that the 21 Day Fix does- spells out just what you should eat, and if you're still hungry, what order to add different foods so you are still maximizing your results. I never felt hungry or confused, and it even came with a restaurant guide so if I was eating out I knew what the smartest options were to order from popular restaurants. Shakeology counts in this program as a protein, and was the perfect post-workout pick me up!

Here is my day one photo! I went into this program with the goal to tighten up, build muscle, and gain strength! Not wanting to lose much, if any weight.

Here are my before and afters!

I'm happy to say I GAINED 1.2lbs- which is perfect because I didn't want to lose. I lost 1.5" from my waist, 1" from my hips, 1" combined from my thighs, GAINED .25" on my calves, and lost 1.5" from my belly button area- which has always been my trouble spot.

Who would I recommend this program to? ANYONE! Really- I have had all different kinds of fitness levels, ages and backgrounds do this program and have great results! With the modifier you don't HAVE to go extreme with it, and can pull back the intensity level to your body while still getting great results. The workouts are short- only 30 minutes a day, and in 60 days you will be so impressed with where you have taken yourself both physically and mentally.

If you're ready to get insane results from home with this program, contact me at sarahmayofitness@gmail.com and I would love to chat with you more about this great program and how to get you into my next challenge group for support and accountability!



Coming SOON! Beachbody on Demand- your favorite workouts on any device!

I'm so excited about this new product, Beachbody on Demand! You've asked me a lot, "is there anyway I can get these programs online and not have to carry my dvd's with me?" YES! Coming this Spring, you totally can! I'm excited because today I was given special EXCLUSIVE access to this new program to test out before it goes live!

So, what is Beachbody On Demand? Beachbody On Demand is a new feature of the Team Beachbody Club that provides unlimited access to stream Beachbody's proven fitness programs. Paid Team Beachbody Club Members will be able to work out anytime, anywhere. Beachbody On Demand includes many of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs in the digital library, making Beachbody programs easy to access anywhere an internet connection is available. 

How does it work? Team Beachbody members will automatically have unlimited access to stream workouts from a list of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs. Once logged into TeamBeachbody.com, Club members will select the Start Streaming tab from the home page, choose any fitness program in the streaming library, and stream any wokout from the program! 

What fitness programs will be available in the Beachbody digital library? Club members will have unlimited access to stream many of Beachbody's best sellers. Members will also be able to stream any workouts available in the Insider Access catalogue. Insider Access provides individual sample workouts of some of Beachbody's newest and bestselling programs to give Club members a taste of the program before they decide to buy. The list of titles available to stream in the On Demand or Insider Access catalogues is subject to change at any time. As of launch, the following full programs are scheduled to be part of the Beachbody On Demand catalog:

P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, Ten Minute Trainer, ChaLEAN Extreme, Asylum Vol 1, Tony One-on-One (vol 1) and Hip Hop Abs.

So, is it cool? Heck yes, it is!! I finished up my Insanity Max 30 workout, and couldn't wait another day to try it, so I pulled up some Brazil Butt Lift and did Tummy Tuck! THIS is a game changer! No more excuses when you go somewhere and there's no DVD player, or if your laptop doesn't have one (mine doesn't). Have wifi- will workout!! 

How can I get in on this? Access to this new program is exclusive to Team Beachbody Club members. Join as a club member, and all these programs will be available to you in Beachbody on Demand AND you'll receive 10% off any order, as well as exclusive access to meal plans, recipes and other parts of the Team Beachbody.com website. Upgrade to a club membership HERE!

As always, I am here to support you with your new digital programs, offer access to my online support and accountability groups and help you maximize your results. Make me your FREE Team Beachbody coach, and together let's get started on your healthiest and happiest you! 



21 Day Fix Extreme is HERE! Get it now and my personal support!

The day I've been waiting for is here! The 21 day fix extreme is officially available to purchase through me as your coach!

It's time to get serious!  It's time to take your fitness level to the max and get those abs and the muscle definition you have been working towards.  You might be reading this thinking that you are not necessarily looking for a ripped up body but you want to get your fitness to the next level and in that case this is absolutely for you too!  I would definitely say that if you are down to the last 10-20 pounds of your weight loss journey and you already have a base level of fitness then this program would be a good fit for you!

It combines strength training with steady state cardio and power moves to bring your body 6 days of intense change for your body! 

Nutrition is truthfully 80% of your results and with 21 Day Fix Extreme you are going to be eating ONLY clean foods. So in the Fix you were able to have your wine or a treat once in a while. With the Extreme that is gone!  You are 100% clean and you are dialed into nutrition with the portion controlled containers and a list of approved foods and recipes to go along with that! If you've done the 21 Day Fix already, this is the same principle, but a finer tuned approved foods list. 

So who is this program for?

1.  People who want a dramatic short term weight loss solution for a big event like a vacation, wedding, photo shoot....

2.  21 Day Fix Graduates or individuals who have completed programs like P90X, P90X3, Insanity Max 30, T25, Turbofire, Asylum, Chalean Extreme.
3.  People who do not have a lot of weight to lose that are dedicated, committed to following the nutrition plan and have a no jokes attitude.  There are no excuses, if you want the results its time to dig a little deeper and get them!  The biggest key to this program is the nutrition plan!  Having that will power to say no to the treats!  The great part is that you are not on this journey alone.  I will have you in my closed online support and accountability group and coach you through the entire program from beginning to end.  My goal is to make sure that you do in fact get the very best results possible.  I will provide daily accountability, tips, recipes, and we will cheer each other on and help each other stay focused when life gets in the way! Accountability was definitely what makes this successful for me, and I want it to be successful for you too!

4.  This program is also for people who don't want to count calories or macros. Its based on a simple and easy to follow portion controlled container system that gives you a very specific list of foods and ways to prep and prepare your meals. It takes the guess work out of calories, or figuring out much more of a certain food you should be eating. 

I got to do the workout LIVE with Autumn Calabrese herself!

What do you get when you purchase this program?

The best way to get this program is with what is called a challenge pack that is the 21 Day Fix Extreme complete program.  This includes: 7 workouts, the portion controlled containers, the nutrition guide, program manual, 30 days of Shakeology, countdown to competition plan and a bonus DVD called the "CHALLENGE" which you only get when you order through me as your coach!  This comes with free shipping and a discounted price when you purchase the package this way! Honestly this is the best savings compared to buying these things separately, and you get all the tools you need for results in one kit! 

This also gives you access into my challenge group for the customized support, tips, recipes, accountability, how to handle cravings, temptations and social events!  I won't let you fail, because I will be right there with you doing it myself! If you want to succeed we will do this together!  I love my job and seeing other people reach their goals is the best feeling in the world and why I do what I do!

If you are ready to change, I will help you succeed!

Why am I doing the 21 day fix???  I am going on an all expense paid trip to Cancun with Team Beachbody in April and I want to tone, tighten and feel wonderful in my bathing suit and summer clothes!  I love the feeling of being confident because I am eating healthy and exercising!  I still have some "fluff" and toning I want to do, so my goal is to just be in the best shape I can personally be for myself!  I'm doing this to bust out of my winter body and be ready for the warmer weather when it arrives!  It takes more than 1 month to reach your ultimate goals with your health and fitness!  So I know that if I start now I will be at the goal when the weather warms up!

Get the 21 Day Fix EXTREME NOW! Click HERE to purchase! 
