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So what exactly is a Team Beachbody coach??

Have you ever thought about becoming a Team Beachbody coach- even for a split second? Does it sorta kinda make you excited, give you butterflies but in the same breathe cause you a little panic and fear because you just don't know what to expect?  Are you a motivated person but you are afraid to take that leap of faith? What if I fail? What if I stink at this?  How do I find customers?  How do I make a sale?  I don't want to sell to my friends and family?  I don't know anything about social media?  I'm not a fitness professional?  I am NOT an example of good health and fitness- I am still on my journey! And, what exactly does COACH mean?? I am no expert, so how am I supposed to "coach" anyone else?!

Do any of these things sound like the thoughts that keep running through your mind?  It's like you are on a seesaw and you swing from excited to nervous back to excited over and over again but you can't seem to take that leap of faith! I get it- I was scared too!

Truth be told, we ALL felt like that! It's not that you are afraid of failure it's that you are afraid of change.  Change is scary, new and leaves you intimidated! It's the unpredictability that gets you ever time!  So, I truly want to calm some of your fears, answer your questions and help you to make an educated decision about becoming a coach!  

So to help with that, I have some things coming up to answer your questions! This Wednesday, 2/18 at 6:30 PST/8:30 CST I will be hosting a call all about what coaching is, with one of my very first coaches and leaders on my team!

During this call I will give you some background as to how I become a successful coach. What did I do in my first month and first 6 months to create successful habits, and how can you do it too!  I'm no different than you, I don't have any secret strategies, but what I do have is consistent habits that have led me to become a strong leader, and help others succeed.  You can learn any skill you need to in order to be successful with this, and if you are teachable and motivated then you will succeed! I have systems and trainings in place that will show you exactly what I do, and teach you how to replicate it in your own business.

In the call, I am also going to walk you through the process of what a coach does, how to sign up, what are your investment options, how to make money, and how you can do this even being a huge introvert with a small market like me! Before coaching I was a stay at home mom with very few friends, and a shy personality! I didn't come from a big network or pool of people, but what I did do was make a point to be public about my journey and invite others to do it with me. 

Secondly, if you decide that coaching is right for you the next step is to sign up and reserve your spot in my March 2 New Coach Training Group. 

This is your source of training and education, where I will help you learn the basic tools and systems that I use to run my business.   
I am going to show you what I did when I first started as a coach, how I reached success in my first few months, how to successfully invite people to join you in a challenge or as coaches, and start a challenge group without you having to re-invent the wheel. This is all a system of duplication and we work as a team!

Your goal is to invite 3-5 people to join our challenge group that WE will run TOGETHER so you don't have to do it alone!  They will be your customers in the group, you will get the commission, you will follow up and check in with your customers but I will run the posts each day so you can learn from me and in the coming months do your own groups. What I do in my groups is very simple- but it comes down to showing up, being consistent, and personally supporting your customers so they get the best experience possible.  

You will have access to all of my resources, documents, and templates.  I believe so much in this being successful for you, so I value getting you started right!  While I cannot MAKE you successful, just as in your fitness journey, you can have a stellar meal plan and workout but if you don't follow the plan you won't get the results!  You have to do the work!  Same thing with our business-  it's fun, but it takes dedicated action each day to bring about results.  I am not perfect, but I have grown my business to be a Premier team ranked within the top 350 teams in Beachbody only a year into coaching. I was a depressed, lonely, shy mom with a need to help my family financially- so I took this opportunity and ran with it! I wasn't about to go halfway on something that had the potential to help us live a life free of financial stress, or worry about where the money was to buy groceries. I've connected with other moms in similar situations and helped them to build strong businesses capable of the same success, and I am ready to help more ladies like me do the exact same thing- paying it forward it what this is about!!

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  If it does, please complete the application below, and I will be in touch with you to discuss getting started on my team!


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