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They say 21 Days {makes a habit}

What can you do in 21 days? They say that's how long it takes to break a habit, or start a new one. OR 21 days is how long it can take you to lose 5-15 lbs doing one of my favorite programs, the 21 Day Fix!

This program came out in February and it has changed some serious lives! The program lasts for 21 days, and during that time you follow a daily workout calendar and complete one of the the seven daily 30 minute workouts. The workouts include, Upper Body Fix, Lower Body Fix, Total Body Fix, Total Cardio Fix, Yoga Fix, Pilates Fix, and Dirty 30. During each workout you cycle through different moves for 60 seconds, using only a set of hand weights, or a resistance band. There's so much variety in the workouts that you don't get burnt out, or lose interest. And because each day is a different workout, you are also giving your muscles a chance to recover, which means you are feeling completely miserable every day.

And unlike most home workout programs that focus only on the workouts, the 21 Day Fix really focuses on your nutrition, and one of most people's biggest struggles- Portion Control! How it does this is by providing color coded food containers that correspond to different kinds of foods-

green- vegetables
purple- fruits
red- protein
yellow- carbs/grains
blue- healthy fats
orange- seeds & dressings
teaspoons- oils

In your eating guide it helps you calculate how many of each container you should be eating each day, and then the flexibility is YOURS to decide which of the approved foods you want to put in your containers, and when you want to eat them. What was once a chicken stir fry can now translate into, 1  green container, 1 red container, 1 yellow container. So visual- so easy to follow. If it fits in the container, that's the correct portion, and it's yours to eat. When all your containers from one category are used up for the day, you know you can't have any more of that food, and you arrange your meals to include the other containers.

What's awesome about this program is that it teaches you a way of eating that can carry on long after you've finished your 21 days. I find myself using my containers to measure out my trouble foods, like pasta and rice, because for me what I THINK is a good amount of that to have is often too much. It's helped me revamp my nutrition, get more fruits and protein, which I was not eating enough of before, and backing off of the yellow containers, which I tend to eat too much of. I leave a meal feeling satisfied, but not overly full, bloated, or sick like I used to.

One thing people often ask me is how they will last 21 days with no sweets! Well, the good news in the program is you can replace a yellow container with a 21 Day Fix approved treat, or even some wine! There's also a restaurant guide in the back of the booklet so if you are out to eat, you know what sort of items you can order that will still fit into your program! THIS kind of flexibility is what makes this program more than a 1 time workout- but rather a whole lifestyle change with the flexibility we all need to stay on track.

The 21 Day Fix gets RESULTS! Most who participate lose an average of 5-15lbs during one round of the program, and some go on to complete a second or third round depending on their goals to further their results.

Check out my very own coach Rachel! She lost 9 pounds and 10 inches! Her baby boy just turned 1, and even with him at her feet she's been able to knock this out of the park!

And look at the beautiful Jessica, who just had a baby in April! She lost 6.7 pounds and 11 inches during her 21 days on the Fix and also using Shakeology as a part of her nutrition! Her photos from April were taken 1 week post-paprtum, August 11 at the start of her 21 Day Fix, and September 1st at the end of her program.
And here are my results from one round of the 21 Day Fix- I lost 4 pounds and 6.75 inches mainly from my midsection and thighs.

I love how this program can really work for anyone. Whether you are working full time, or stay home as a stay at home mom, you can find 30 minutes to incorporate the daily workouts, and with a little meal planning, the eating plan can totally revolutionize your eating.

For the month of September, you can get the 21 Day Fix with Shakeology for an amazing price of $140- that's only $10 with the purchase of Shakeology. With your challenge pack you will get the full workout program which includes seven 30 minute workouts, workout calendar, eating plan with 7 color coded food containers, a Shakeology shaker cup for use of your liquids and wine, and your first full month of Shakeology- which you can use as a meal replacement, or as a snack! You also get ME as your coach and support system as well as all the challenge groups I offer on Facebook and a bonus workout- Plyo Fix!

You can order your challenge pack by contacting me or directly from my site- http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCP21D160?referringRepId=322493

I'd love to help you make the next 21 days COUNT, and for the month of September, this program can be what helps you get there! I think I will be restarting it soon- who want's to join me??
